Éditions Escuminac
Founded in 2016, Éditions Escuminac adds a photobook-publishing component to the activities of Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie. This publishing house dedicated to photography books extends the exhibits as a way of diversifying Rencontres activities and offering the artists involved new dissemination platforms.

Elena Perlino: Indian Time en territoire innu

Éditions Loco and Éditions Escuminac
Language: French
Approximately 100 reproductions
176 pages printed in full color
Full paper binding
17 x 22 cm
ISBN: 9782843140723

On sale at Librairie Liber (New Richmond, the Gaspé) and on the Librairies indépendantes du Québec website.

Price in France: 30 €
On sale on the Librairies indépendantes website.


Language: French
Color and black and white photographs
Texts: Claude Goulet, Mona Hakim, Serge Allaire, Alexis Desgagnés and André-Louis Paré
144 pages
7 x 9 po
ISBN : 9782981605832

On sale at Librairie Liber (New Richmond, the Gaspé) and on the Librairies indépendantes du Québec website (Les libraires).

Maryse Goudreau : La conquête du Béluga

Éditions Escuminac
2020 (release scheduled for late May)

Language: French
Hybrid work between theater and photo book
100 pages
10.8 x 17.8 cm
ISBN: 978-2-9816058-2-5

Claudia Imbert : Petite-Vallée

Filigranes Éditions, Diaphanes Éditions, Éditions Escuminac

Language: French
Texts: Éric Plamondon
Color photographs
80 pages
21 x 25 cm
ISBN: 978-2-35046-442-8


Maryse Goudreau : Histoire sociale du béluga

Éditions Escuminac

Language: French
Hybrid work between theater and photo book
64 pages
12 x 17.5 cm
ISBN: 978-2-9816058-1-8
First edition: 2016
25 copies (sold out)
Second edition: 2018
475 copies (sold out)

Isabelle Hayeur : République

Éditions Escuminac

Language: French
Texts: Isabelle Hayeur and Claude Goulet
Color photographs
96 pages
61 x 91 cm
ISBN: 978-2-9816058-0-1